Friday, November 7, 2008


I have absolutely nothing to say today.. Actually, that's not true.. Otherwise I wouldn't be here typing this out right now.. And quick side note, the "wouldn't" in the previous sentence is being flagged as a misspelled word.. And yet when i tried to spell "silliness" on my phone, it gave me "pillgoes"... Really? Pillgoes? Wtf does that even mean? Perhaps someone that has a hard time separating words in spoken language could say something along the lines of, "man, that pillgoes down smooth..." i dunno what I'm talking about, nevermind.. ANYWAY....

So funny thing happened today.. Actually, not so much funny as just kinda mind-bogglingly coincidental.. A friend introduced me to "failblog" last night (which is fucking hilarious btw, check it out and we had a few laughs... so this morning, when i finally woke up in a scotch-hangover-stupor (i hurt ever so slightly today), i turn on the news and catch the website spotlight on NBC.. Guess what it is? Yup, Failblog... What the fuck are the chances of that? One night, a friend randomly introduces me to it, and not more than 7 hours later, the news is reinforcing the fact that this website is, indeed, fucking awesome.. Newsworthy, even! Not like there was an election a few days ago and America has its first African-American-President-Elect... That's a mouthful... I'll just say black president to save time.. Is that racist? I don't think so, and I don't mean it to be, so fuck off if you think it is..

And on that note, I'm really starting to come around on Obama. I wasn't really excited about it before, but man, that guy has some charisma.. And my buddy Dan helped open my eyes a little today with his blog (check it out too, good stuff, he's a smart motherfucker: Basically, his point was that after 8 years of Bush beating fear into us with words like Al-Qaeda, War on Terror, Iraq's WMD's, etc. etc., it's nice to finally have a president that doesn't operate on fear, but rather hope and change. Think about McCain's final days before the election... Anyone else catch his commercial that quoted Biden's radio interview in which he said Obama would be tested by the world? I swear I felt like I was in Nazi Germany around 1940 listening to Hitler go on and on about the evil Jews... McCain was using fear to scare the undecided voters into going with him.. Obama, on the other hand, does a 1/2 hour last ditch effort and mostly talks about how he wants to help the people of this country by doing what the people of this country want.. Hope and change indeed..

And he's already putting good people in place.. His appointment of Emmanuel to Chief of Staff has me chomping at the bits.. Emmanuel is a bad motherfucker who doesn't take anyone's shit... He's about as conservative a Democrat as you can find.. He'll balance Obama out nicely (let's face it, Obama is about as liberal a Democrat as you can get).. So, Obama is not filling his offices with yes-men and other people that will just permanently plant their lips on his ass... He's putting people in there that share similar ideologies but aren't afraid to disagree.. Fantastic!

It'll be an interesting 4 years, seeing how the world reacts to all of this and how the wars play out.. Oh and let's not forget, to everyone reading this: YOU WERE ALIVE AND WILL REMEMBER THE DAY WHEN AMERICA ELECTED ITS FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT!! Embrace it, this was a historical week.

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