Thursday, December 11, 2008

people are idiots

What the hell is going on in this country? I say this country because I'm not well traveled beyond the contiguous 48 states.. But there definitely seems to be an air of entitlement in our society that is destroying us from the inside out, and NO ONE SEEMS TO NOTICE IT!! It's very disturbing; this country used to have a hard-working attitude that made us what we are. In the 1940's, we sling-shot right past the rest of the world in terms of manufacturing because we were able to come together as a (wait for it) UNITED country.. We were in a war, and the only reason we won is because we worked together (the most tangible evidence are the war machines and other manufactured items we churned out of our factories).

Now, we have auto manufacturers that have run their businesses into the ground for a million different reasons, not the least of which is greedy fucking executives looking for their handouts, and they expect a bailout? Fuck you! I work for a small manufacturer in Illinois... So, if we start hemorrhaging money like these auto makers, will the government even consider giving us money? No, because we have a minimal effect on the economy.. But you know what, at least we're not plunging the economy into the Dark Ages.

And why in the hell is the guy driving the fork lift making $85k per year? Or the guy putting lug nuts on the wheels making $20-something per hour? Are these people educated attorneys? Apparently I'm in the wrong business... Oh wait, that's right, I have a fucking conscience that prohibits me from getting something for nothing.. Fuck me...

I feel very alone in the world when it comes to this.. Welfare, unemployment, labor unions... The list of programs originally intended to help EXPLOITED people are now the butt of jokes... The programs themselves are now being exploited. We don't need fucking labor unions anymore. Children are not working in factories for 20 hours a day, getting paid in bread crumbs, and losing limbs to heavy machinery. Lower class workers are now protected from the tyranny of upper management, not by labor unions, but by law. And now the labor unions are "working with" the auto makers to help relieve some of the financial burdens.. It's a little fucking late guys.. Did anyone ever stop and say, "hmm, this doesn't look right." No, they got fat and happy suckling the teet of society, and now that we're in one of the worst financial crises in modern America, they want to come to the table and look like a hero... "We'll give back!" they say.. It's too fucking late guys.. You can't just undo 40 years of shitty decision making with a snap of the fingers and expect the taxpayers to bail you fucking assholes out..

You know what, WE'VE BEEN BAILING YOU OUT FOR 40 YEARS AS CONSUMERS! That $20,000 car should probably be worth around $10k, but then how will you pay the forklift operator $85k per year? Hmm...

Well, I'm done.. Enough ranting today. This world is fucked and there's very little anyone can do about it. Unfortunately, these fucking people that feel so entitled are in the majority now... Only the minority wants to work hard and contribute to society in exchange for fair compensation. And in this country, majority rules. So we're fucked. Happy Thursday everyone.

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