Monday, March 16, 2009

what a weekend part 1

Man, I thought I couldn't reach any higher summits of inebriation than I did last summer. I was wrong. I have reached entire new plateaus, like the highlands of Scotland. I am reaching mountain tops for god's sake. It's actually quite amazing considering my history of being a fucking lightweight when it comes to drinking. But oh no, I have evolved into something entirely new. The great part: I'm a happy drunk, so I don't get all pissed. Though I did get pretty pissed Saturday, but I'll get to that.

So I had Friday off again. My fucking company pisses me off. I do 3 times as much work as I used to with 20% less time to do it in, so I'm constantly fucking stressed at work now. It sucks a lot, but whatever. Today's blog isn't for bitching, it's for spreading the good word. So Thursday I went down to the city to see Watchmen, which was pretty good, but a little long.. It could've been 2 hours instead of 2 hours and 45 minutes and still accomplished just as much. But whatever, all in all it was a pretty good movie and worth a watch. I crash out at my gf's place Thursday and get up with her when she leaves for work on Friday at like 630am. So I get home at about 7, 730ish Friday morning and now I'm basically stuck there until 1pm because fucking Comcast has to send a tech out to fix my cable. Keep in mind my cable has been sucking a butt since the middle of February. So there I am, at home, on a Friday, no work and I'm stuck there waiting for Comcast to show up (oh and they gave me the "some time between 9 and 1" business.. fucking assholes). So I do the only thing a true gentleman would do: I crack a beer and start drinking.

I spent most of the day drinking.. Not too heavily, because I have dinner planned for that evening and, in an attempt to not completely fuck it up, I pace myself during the day. Turned out really good, too. Chicken pot pie. Yum.. Anyway, so my gf and her friend come over and we eat pot pie. And thank god I think ahead, because while I was at the grocery store getting provisions for dinner, I bought a bottle of scotch, a box of wine (hahaha i still laugh when i have a box o' wine in the fridge) and another 12'er.. Yeah, I know, you're all very proud of me. Thank you, thank you. So we're eating dinner, having a few beers.. We crack open the scotch and have a glass or two of that deliciousness. (Mmmm... I can taste the oaky flavors now.. God I need a drink...) Then we decide to head over to the Fox and Hound up in Arlington Heights (I think) and lo and behold, they have green double pints on special! So, naturally, I drink a couple of those. But they were playing really shitty music as most bars these days do.. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing the lyrics "shake it like helen keller" or something along those lines.. It's amazing the bullshit that people listen to.. But anyway, we decide to put on some Cher (not my choice, but since it was pissing off everyone else in the bar, I went along with it) which apparently pissed off management because shortly thereafter the juke box stopped taking requests. Hahaha... Fucking corporate restaurant managers are assholes. Every last one of them.

Wow, I really got to get on with the story here.. I'm only at like 9pm on Friday, and I gotta get through Saturday and Sunday!! Maybe a 2 part blog?? Hmm.. Perhaps.. Anyways.. So we leave the F&H and head to the Where Else bar in Elk Grove. That place is strange.. Very cozy and comfortable, but definitely a townie bar. I saw this one lady that kinda looked like Joanie Lauer, which was creepy.. But I continued my drinking via beers and shots of tequila and car bombs, so I was happy. We left Where Else around midnight or so because we knew we had a long Saturday ahead of us. The next morning, I had a raging headache and ended up puking up the mountain dew i was drinking.. Neon green toilet water is not a pleasant sight, let me tell ya.. So I'm completely hungover, and I have no cure for it.. I stumble over to Meijer to get some pain killers and barely make it back before I puked again.. Needless to say, Saturday morning was VERY rough for me. I wasn't sure if I was even going to make it through that night's festivities (read: St. Patty's celebrating!!).

Ok, I gotta get back to work, so I'm gonna stop here for today. Part 2 tomorrow if I have time...

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