Tuesday, February 10, 2009

seth macfarlane is a super dude

Fuck me, I've been so uninspired lately to do this blog.. It's mostly because of work, which, as you all know, makes me want to punch small animals in the face.. But whatever, today is starting off ok.. I haven't been shaking with rage; in fact I'm pretty sure some advice I got yesterday is working out well.. Oh, and it's like 60 degrees and sunny out, so there's that too..

I was driving to work this morning, drinking my coffee and smoking my cigarette, when I saw this guy take his car up a snow bank and nearly flip his car.. Hilarious shit.. I almost wish it had rolled because I've always wanted to see that, but that wasn't in the cards for me this morning. But, he was tipped far enough for me to partially see into his sunroof, so naturally I laughed..

Now, a lot of you have probably seen this, but there's a scene about :50 in that just cracks me up:

It's like he got some bad acid and freaked out. Now I've been all mangled after the dentist before (4 wisdom teeth taken out in one shot), but I'll be damned if I've ever hallucinated and felt the need to belt out a Braveheart-esque roar on the way home.. In fact, there's really only two things I was thinking about after that experience: sleep and pills. Whenever I wasn't sleeping, I was eating pills, and vice versa.. I'm pretty sure I managed to suck down some apple sauce or some other pureed food.. Fuck, I was so out of it, I probably would've eaten wet cat food at that point.

Holy shit, did you know Seth MacFarlane has some animated shorts on YouTube? Check this out:

I always thought Sarah Jessica Parker either looked like a horse or a foot, I could never quite figure out which. Shame on Maxim, though.. In one issue, they're calling her one of the most overrated chicks, and a couple issues later, they're saying how hot she is. You know what, she's not hot. If she ever got fat, Matthew Broderick could just dangle a carrot in front of her to get her to run on the treadmill.

And in this episode, Princess Peach finally gets her comeuppance:

Mario has a damn good point here. It's not like he was trying to get a beej for his troubles, he just wanted a kiss. Is that really too much to ask? The Princess is such a bitch. Though, on the other hand, he did essentially just trip out the whole time eating mushrooms, which, while undoubtedly exhausting, was probably a lot of fun.

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