Tuesday, November 18, 2008

bleeding out

I was gonna bitch about my school some more today, but I just realized even I'm getting tired of hearing about it.. There's such a huge part of me that wants to just drop this whole thing, and another part of me that thinks that maybe, just maybe, this might be worthwhile and will help me in the long run. But that latter part of me is dying a little more every day, especially when I have to deal with the bureaucracy of the college's administration.. These fucking people basically just bend you over the rail and rape you for as much money as they can.. They can't even reasonably explain why you need to take certain courses, they just say "oh well it's a prerequisite..." Granted, I understand that not everyone can grasp the inner-workings of the educational experience, but god damn it, when you're asking me to shell out a shit ton of money for a class that I shouldn't logically have to take, you better have a fucking good reason..

Ok that's enough about school.. I'm so sick of it, I want to punch myself in the face.. So winter's right around the corner.. Despite how much I loathe the cold, I gotta say, I really love it when it snows.. There's something very peaceful, almost magical, about a nice snow fall.. I could seriously sit out on my balcony for hours just watching it.. And seriously, if it's gonna be cold out, it might as well be snowing.. Otherwise, what's the point? Yay! Let's all freeze our asses off and not enjoy the outdoors AT ALL for the next 6 months! No thank you..

Oh, so have you heard about Obama? Yeah apparently he's the antichrist.. Cool, huh? 'Bout time god stepped in and put an end to this horribly failed experiment called humanity.. I guess one link is that one of the Illinois' winning lotto numbers was 666... Uh-oh.. We all know that the lotto numbers have a distinct correlation to the end of existence.. I really hate people like that, these conspiracy nuts that look for any excuse to claim the world is going to end.. There is one guy that spends all of his time gathering news clips from current events and trying to support the Book of Revelations' prophecies for the end of the world.. Get a fucking life dude! How is this helping society or humanity at all? You know, we don't need an Antichrist, the devil or the wrath of god to destroy the world; humans are quite capable of it themselves. We are practically bathing in narcissism.. Very few people out there give a shit about anyone but themselves, and it's destroying society.. And then you get these conspiracy nuts who feast on the mobs' fears, exploiting their weaknesses like a fucking cult leader.

It must be pretty easy, though, controlling a mob like that.. I mean the general public is pretty easily influenced by grandiose speech.. Just look at what Hitler was able to do during WWII.. He actually convinced an entire nation (and beyond) that their plight was directly related to one group of people, a group of people connected not by profession, not by social status, but by religion. Religion.. If god does exist, he's gotta be getting tired of all the shit humanity does in his name... The Crusades.. The Inquisition.. Joel Osteen.. Televangelism.. The KKK... Neo-Nazis... It's disgusting.. Most religions are pretty similar in their overall messages of tolerance and acceptance of your fellow man, yet at the same time they sit there and encourage their followers to judge their neighbors.. Unfortunately, we are so far away from the roots of the major religions that I doubt we can ever make it back.. The teachings of the major prophets are lost in the bureaucracies of modern life.

Ok this is too much for me to deal with this morning.. I had half a mind to delete all of this and just not post anything today, but oh well, here you go. Hope you enjoyed it.

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